Posted by Steve
Friday, December 3, 2021 1:28 AM
For context: Yesterday i was playing unrated with friends. We were a few rounds in attacking on Ascent and decided to go to B. At least 2 or 3 other rounds before (when we were attacking B as well) the enemy Sova always launched a recon dart at round start to land right behind the entrance into "hookah", basically right behind our spawn barrier. I remembered this and suggested us all to hide from it as that was easily possible due to it landing inside "hookah" and thus we could like hug the right wall or behind that small shed. However one in our premade immediately declined and shot the dart once the round started and the enemy Sova, as predicted, launched it.
He was/is convinced that it is better to shoot the dart with the reasoning beeing that the opponent's then couldn't be sure if we commit to B and/or if we were all Infront of B as they'd only heard one person shooting.
Obviously this is something situational, but i am convinced that in general it's better to hide from a Sova dart then shooting it. Obviously when you are together and there's no way for everyone to hide from the scan, it would be better to shoot the dart before it can scan, because in such situation the enemy gets some information in either outcome, but a scan reveals the exact position and possibly multiple players (due to being visually), and shooting reveals less of an exact position (due to being mostly audibly). Also, assuming a level of coordination, shooting the dart leaves you/your team more controllability on how many of ur team the enemy gets info on.
However because we pretty basically knew where the dart would land in our situation, we could have easily all been hiding from it. And since i am sure that the less info you give the enemy the better, i think it would have been smarter to hide from the scans, instead of shooting it.
Some other important factors are:
We planned on committing to B and were all there. If only 1 or 2 of us were there, and we wanted to plant on A, denying exact info but shooting it could look like we'd be attacking B, and destroyed the dart because we didn't want to them to know our all exact location as we were already to far in hookah and weren't prepared for the dart. That would have been a nice fake. Alternatively we could have had 2 people on A making noise once the dart on B has been shot, in an attempt to make them think we're going A and the person infront of B was just lurking. However neither of these 2 were the case.
We're around Silver elo, so chances are not that low that the enemies on A/mid would start rotating to B right on that little bit of info they got, even if they only had info on 1/5. And even if they would have had that in mind, if they had 0 info they would be even more wondering about us then with that info, because with 0 info all of us could be anywhere, with that info tho only 4 of us could be anywhere, with a bit higher chances for most of us to be infront of B. So idk why he thought that it would be a good argument of them, but to me it seems so logical that no-info is better then some-info.
They liked flanking. In almost all other rounds of us attacking, 1 or even 2 were rotating over to our flank, and not just one player, but it was different players. (I think i saw at least 3 different agents flanking us, also it was likely they'd also be premades, so them communicating who'd flank due to better positions to do that, and thus beeing sort of their "team-strategy" instead of just the habit of a single player would make a flank every round pretty likely) Because of this chances are also not low at all that the defender(s) on A would immediately push out into A main on the info they got from the recon dart, because it would be a bit more likely that we would be B and thus it's a little saver for them to push out and proceed to flank us. So if we'd actually have been A, the flanking/rotating defender would have forced info for them that we are not all B, potentially even info that most of us are A.
Am i overseeing something? And if not, do you have any tips on how to explain it to him (quickly) in such a situation?
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