Shorter Unrated Game Mode

Posted by Steve

Saturday, April 24, 2021 8:55 PM

Hey guys,

Just wanted to throw my opinion out there and see if anyone else felt the same way. But does anyone else think that there should be a shorter version of unrated? Yes, I know that there is spike rush, but that mode doesn't follow the same rules as unrated/rated and the way it is played causes games to be over withing about 10 minutes tops. Actual games of Valorant can last for around an hour and I think it sucks when I have a free 30-minute period in between classes to play, but have to settle for three games of spike rush. Just curious if anyone else thinks they could have a game mode where you maybe play to 7 rather 13?

Edit: Yes, I do know this has been discussed before, but if we don't talk about how can we expect any sort of change?



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