Should Agents rank up differently?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, February 16, 2022 12:02 AM

I came back to Valorant after hearing the new update came out and there were improvements in the rank system, but honestly it was just a disappointment. Don't get me wrong my skills aren't impressive and I would rate myself with the skills of a gold player.

My main issue is people who insta lock duelist in the beginning of the match only to bottom frag and be absolutely useless to the team. I'm not a duelist player so I don't complain much, but the issue comes when I play as Sage/cypher and keep getting the highest kills in the team, while the people who lock reyna/raze/jett are doing nothing.

The other issue is with the reward point after each match, for some reason only when someone gets high kills (and total avg) are the highest then they get extra point for their rank. This method only applies and helps the duelist rank up, shouldn't there be a different method of ranking for each agent or at least for each class?



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