Should my friend switch to Reyna?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 28, 2023 1:00 AM

Me and my friend played Valorant together for roughly 8 months now, where I am controllers and he mained Scouters (Sova). We been watching coaches and been doing pur best to improve, so we went from Iron to gold, and now we have been stuck on low iron for a while.

He is best with his aim, and Im best with utility. But downsides is that he rarely uses utility, and my tapping power is garbage. But he feels its not because he isn't using utility that we are stuck in gold and its because Sova is not good to climb agent to climb with.

So he decided, maybe Reyna is a better agent to climb with. Im not judging him, but I see more downsides with playing Reyna if he wants to reach higher elos than gold, than if he plays Sova.

Now like I said I'm not one to judge. But I wanna hear what others think of this. If I as a Controller main switches to Jett for example, I know for sure that I'm gonna play like crap, and even downgrade several ranks. I bet we all tried a different role and just failed at everything.

I actually want to discourage him to stay with Sova because I know he will win more games, than switching to Reyna. And the more he climbs the more Reyna will become useless.



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