Posted by Steve
Saturday, October 15, 2022 2:41 AM
Hi, I am farely new to valorant, but not new to fps games, I have played 3000~ combined hours across fps titles on pc like team fortress 2, apex legends and doom eternal. For the entirety of this time, I have played using my right hand for aiming, which is my nondominant hand, and although I am somewhat ambidexterous, and can draw with my right hand, I struggle with handwritting with my right hand, which made me consider, smaller finer motions like writting are worse for me, would I benifit long term from switching to left handed aiming. I am probably going to try left handed aiming for a time regaurdless, but I was wondering if anyone has any evidence that aiming with the dominant hand is significant, or knows of any case of improvment after switching to the dominant hand for aim.
Trying using my left hand currently feels uncordinated when aiming, since I only just started maining left-aim the other day, but I wonder if long term this could benifit me, or if I should stick with my right hand in which I have built up my muscle memory.
TLDR: I'm left handed but use my right hand to aim, would switching benifit my skill?
PS. I use a right handed mouse (Havit HV Ms733) but am getting a g pro wireless soon to replace it, which to my understanding is symetrical mouse.
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