Posted by Steve
Wednesday, September 21, 2022 12:45 AM
Hi guys !
So i have been thinking a lot lately... VALORANT is a team game. It's five players versus five others. Yet in low elo at least people either don't talk or lose interest in the match within the 5 first rounds. This makes for a terrible experience for people like me who are wholesome and try to boost up everyone's moral at the beginning of every round, having a chill conversation with ppl trying to get them not tilted but with ppl who rage queue and don't give a shit about my efforts.
I have been wondering how riot could make the queue more fun for ppl who want to have fun the intended way. And i think i have an idea ?
I used to play a bit of overwatch back in the days and at the end of a match you could give a thumbs up for your team mates if they were good sports, good team leaders and 2 other things i think but iirc it was just a social score and did not affect match making.
What if VALORANT had this but with matchmaking impact. That way if people thought you were a cool guy, they give you a thumbs up and you get a high score, if you thought some one was toxic he gets thrown into the toxic queues. Now let's elaborate !
Let's say that you begin with a 50 social rating (it must be hidden so that players dont start being toxic because they have a high Sr that they can afford losing some) and you get queued with people around your rank/MMR/sr. If you have a high enough Sr you get to keep it next act, but if your Sr is low it resets every act so that everyone gets a chance to go up in sr and no one is trapped with toxic players if they want to start being wholesome !
I know this idea must have flaws and I'm sure that i could find them but your opinion matters as well ! What do you think about this idea ?
Edit: you could only get 2 reviews from the same person within an act
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