Shoutout to Grim & FlowAscending for making Sage great again and teaching the community!

Posted by Steve

Saturday, January 9, 2021 4:07 PM

Shoutout to Grim & FlowAscending for making Sage great again and teaching the community!


After being hardstuck in soloQ and constantly bouncing between plat-dia I felt like quitting Valorant for good. Then I discovered those guys and changed my main and practiced every possible wallboost.


Now at the end of the season and lots of aces later I finally mastered even what I consider the most difficult jump and I am able to enjoy the game in a completly new way as a battle Sage and often find myself topfragging as the dull healbot everyone always yells at :D

So a big thx to those 2 dudes, I hope our community can find many more creative ways to play the game.




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