Silver 1 but playing gold in unranked?

Posted by Steve

Friday, January 6, 2023 4:36 AM

As the title said, I’m currently silver 1 and I’ve noticed just over the past couple of months I’ve been playing a lot better.

Is there any correlation between the gold players and Smurfs I’m playing in unranked and my “actual” rank that the game thinks I’m at? Like once I realized that I was just “playing better” all around I’ve noticed more and more that the people I was against were higher ranks, I just started to question and wonder.

I guess my real question here is, if I’m playing against gold and up players in unranked, does the game really think that I’m at a gold level or is it just the game is throwing me into these lobbies randomly? (Everyone I play with is below me expect one person)

Just wanted to ask for my curiosity




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