Silver 2 Game Where all opponents do is push every single site every round, very frusturating and need advice.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, May 3, 2023 11:04 AM

Silver 2 Game Where all opponents do is push every single site every round, very frusturating and need advice.

Full VOD here

I've just had back to back games where this same exact type of playstyle is at play, the enemy team picks a site, hard pushes without stopping, and my teammates are too scared to approach anything. I even reccomended in comms that once we get picks to push in (nobody follows me in) I try to take on fights myself and I will admit to some faults on my end (That I'm also looking for) But mainly, HOW do people handle this playstyle? if there's no teammates to back me up and sit in spawn, and I'm starting to get irritated and play even worse as the game goes on, and not even really giving comms anymore...

Any tips and advice is appreciated.



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