Since 8 maps is too much, why not let us ban one map?

Posted by Steve

Monday, June 20, 2022 5:05 AM

Simply put, when you enter competitive (either solo or grouped), you have the option to ban one map. Now, the main problem with this is how to counteract that every player is just going to choose Fracture as their banned map every time they queue. While there are many options to deal with a map ban system in this game, I'm going to mainly focus on the aspect of 8 potential maps being "too overwhelming."

  • You're given the option to ban a map once every 24 hours. You can also just enter the queue without selecting a banned map for those who like the chaos.
  • Once you ban that map, if you play in that 24 hour period, you are guaranteed to not get that map.
  • Once the 24 hours end, the map will be put on a ban cooldown for a certain number of days. (7, maybe.)
  • Of course, you should be given the option to opt out of your ban in case you want to play a map you've chosen, but it probably should void/cancel the ban for the rest of the day and put the map on cooldown after the 24 hours.

While not perfect, it's the only way I could think of dancing around Riot's issue with both the large map pool and their bias against map bans in normal queues. I would also like this to be implemented into unrated, but with shorter ban cooldowns (like 2-3 days) to give newer players a chance to try the system out before they go into competitive.



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