Skin Idea

Posted by Steve

Sunday, May 15, 2022 4:36 AM

Ok... So my friends and I have been joking about a skin set that when you fire the gun, it says the gun's name. For example, Judge would kinda yell/say "JUDGE" when fired. We had the idea one night while my friend was streaming and it kinda stuck with me for a while.

Yesterday, while bored at work, I decided to tweet at Valorant, and share my idea. It has gained a bit of traction (not a ton) but the devs are being responsive, so that's cool (I'll link the tweet in a comment).

My idea for our set (aptly named VERBOSE) was this:

Melee (axe or knife) - this when left clicked it would say "slice" or "hack". Right click says "stab" or "chop"

Phantom/Vandal(because every skin set should have one decent rifle) - pretty self explanatory, when fired "ph-ph-phantom" or "Va-va-vandal" etc

Ghost - whispers "ghost"

Judge - the gun that gave us the idea... Gutteral almost Death Metaly "JUDGE"

Operator - big bang, big name "OPERATOR"

None of the guns use actual gun fire sounds (or do they? idk I'm not a dev, just some dude)

What do you guys think? is this a good idea?



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1v5 lmao


Posted by Otto
Monday, September 20, 2021 1:57 AM

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