Posted by Steve
Friday, April 9, 2021 1:00 PM
Hello guys! I don't know if this has been already brought up or not, but I think Riot should add an option, to randomize skins. For example, I have quite some skins for the Vandal and I would like to use all of them, but I always forget to switch between them. So I think that it would be nice, if every game a different skin would be equipped. What do you think?
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My sweet Neon ult ace. :) Any tips to improve gameplay? (Silver Gold lobby)

Posted by Otto
Sunday, October 23, 2022 12:02 AM
C9 Xeppa on Fracture is insane
In the first 25 seconds, Xeppa is quite insane! The results are visible below! (Kills considered for the post tbh xD). He's a solid A anchor for sure!
Open for discussions! would be fun to hear what everyone has to say! <3
Posted by Otto
Saturday, March 5, 2022 2:55 AM
Why do people want such a high player count in Deathmatch? What do you learn from getting constantly shot in the back?
Like I get it — DM is not about winning or losing and respawn times are low so what does it really matter if I get killed from off screen, right? But I just don't understand the sentiment here.
In my mind the player increase from 10 to 14...
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, December 15, 2020 5:04 AM