Sky is the most broken character in the game and it’s not even CLOSE

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, August 4, 2021 4:07 AM

First off I’m radiant, I’ll post my tracker in the comments. I’ll give you my line of thinking but first let’s address why sky was created… to counter oppers, the op was so oppressive they made who’s abilities are all tailored towards flashing oppers and dogging oppers off of hard angles.

But ops have been nerfed, jett has been nerfed and now we are left with a character in the game who has a self pop flash that’s lasts for 3 seconds. The flash is controllable, can be popped within .2 seconds of deploying and regenerates. All noobs always say just shoot the flash.

If she is pop flashing and you try to shoot it it will pop before your bullets register, if you turn away there is a chance they won’t even pop the flash which allows her teammate to free peak on you. Oh you thought that was bad? Her flash Also tells her wHen someone is flashed which allows her to get info. And on top of all that her flash regenerates, which means skye can flash up to 5 times a round. Now her information gathering

Her dog gains huge amounts of info, clears out an area , does damage and stuns. Her flashes get insane information and her ult literally tells you where three people are and the only way to avoid it is to shoot it which gives away your position anyway.

Sky can be a balance character but right now all of her abilities have no drawbacks



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