Sky Smoke and Stim Beacons

Posted by Steve

Thursday, December 24, 2020 5:05 PM

Brimstone is a generally good agent to play with, and personally, I have a lot of fun playing with him. However, I always feel like his smokes don't last lk g enough. I have to spend 200 creda in total for each smoke and when I use them, I take advantage of the visual division of the whole area. However, hos smokes never seem to lasg long enough, thus I find them a bit inefficient because once you use them, you won't get them back. With Viper and Omen, you can use your smokes throughout the whole game, but with Brimstone you have to commit to your path depending on where you place the smokes. If the duration on them could be increased by just 5 seconds, it would make a huge difference and he might even be more fun to play with. Not to mention his smokes are smaller and have a very long deployment delay that can take away a lot of time if you are playing with a defensive team.

Now with the Stim Beacons, I gotta say, I barely feel any presence of them. Yes, they do increase your firing rate and your movement, but it's so subtle that I don't bother using them most of the time, especially when I'm playing with extra aggressive teammates. Honestly, I have no idea how the Stims can be improved, but I strongly believe that they need a bigger presence for both teams. A lot of times when I do use them, they only help me and not the rest of the team. It doesn't feel like actual team utility and could probably use a buff for the radius to be larger and maybe even increase its potency.

"But won't that turn him into a support-like agent?" Well, yes, but actually no. He'll be a case similar to Omen how he is very much like a duelist. However, we have to make Brim's playstyle be be better defined by ruling out the things that make him seem less desirable than Omen.

To end it off, I believe that there are a few other agents that need some reworks, but I feel like Brimstone should get the buffs he deserves sooner than later.



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