Posted by Steve
Saturday, February 6, 2021 6:31 PM
In my opinon, one of the newest charcters in the game is sky. Overall, she is prety good, except her DOG is way to OP. Whenever I see a sky player on the other team, i make sure im always on the opposite side of the map because the dog is CREPY. If i hear the dog noise on B site, I dont Care if we win or loose the round, Im campeing on the other side of the map until the timer is done. Whenever i see someone on my team pick Sky and use the dog, sorry for them Because i already shut off my computer for the next hour and a have. Its basicly impossible to face against a sky player. All they do is release there dog and it chase you around the map for the whole round. I know riot says that this game is supposed to take skil, but It literally takes no skill to press a buton and scare everyone away even your own team. Riot needs to remove this ability QUICK. Its LIATERALY no fair that she gets the CREPYIEST dog and so scary.
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