small QoL change for ranked

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, July 27, 2022 7:00 AM

afk mates - something I don't really see dealt with much in the game aside from the remake feature restricted to the first 2 rounds. I've had the liberty to make my team head to OT with a 4v5, with all of us agreeing to draw. except, the 6-person draw requirements have changed to 5 people. and us, being 4, can't really draw until the second OT vote (which we weren't able to reach sadly)
a small request for riot to change the OT vote to be -2 players per AFK instead of -1 (e.g - set a vote that allows an afk team to vote for a draw at the first vote with the threshold being 4 people required) to ensure matches where you can't lose RR or gain RR from unfair matches

if its not possible, can i have the reason as to why it's been decided as such? thanks

tldr: make team w/ afk player(s) able to draw in first round by decreasing the number of people required for a draw (currently 6 people for draw, 5 if one player AFK)



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