Posted by Steve
Wednesday, March 17, 2021 5:04 PM
I'm not sure about elos such as Plat or higher, but playing in silver-gold is so boring when their Reyna runs over my team while hitting every headshot and peeking like I'm in Immortal lobby.
Seriously, it is not fun at all. I spend my day studying/working and I wanna play a game or two, just to get demolished by smurfs. It kills the vibe for me and I really like Valorant, maybe even more than League currently.
Of course, there are smurfs in my teams too, but is it interesting to play those games? No. They do an ace every 4 rounds while I've been struggling to place my Killjoy molly in a certain spot for 5 rounds straight.
The problem here is not them smurfing to me, it's how to matchmaking works. If their Reyna is smurfing, match her against a Reyna smurf too. Don't match her against us who are desperately trying to hit a headshot or practicing certain one ways etc. It just makes the learning process 100 times worse. Getting good at any game requires practice and patience, there's no shortcut for sure. But how am I supposed to learn if I don't even get a chance to shoot one bullet in a round, for real...
Justice for us who are learning.
TLDR: Smurfing is bad and boring to play with/against. Match smurfs vs smurfs and let us learn and enjoy the game. Thank you very much.
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