Smurfs are a disease

Posted by Steve

Sunday, February 7, 2021 6:02 PM

Like any disease, they need to be cut from the body. The body in this case being the game.

Look, if you want to play with your friends, that's fine. That's what Unrated is for. If I am a Silver trying my hardest to work my way up to Gold (for example), playing against a Plat or Diamond smurf is debilitating. Every game is a disappointment.

As far as I can tell, the latest competitive 'rebalance' or whatever has done absolutely fuck all to combat the problem of smurfs. In fact, I've encountered more loud and proud smurfs in this season than I ever have.

So, to the players, I say this: If you smurf competitive, you are a disease and you deserve to be removed.

To Riot devs, I say this: yo shiz is broken. Still. Do better.



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