Smurfs are making it hard for new players to enjoy the game and get to playing ranked.

Posted by Steve

Friday, February 26, 2021 1:14 PM

I'm not new a new player but I recently tried to get my friends into game. They like overwatch so they thought they'd give it a try. They enjoy it but after 3 days of straight playing they have only won 5 games because every game there is one person on their team and the enemy team that's a smurf.

One of my friends has now uninstalled the game because he's so sick of losing and the others ones just don't wanna play anymore.

Does anyone know the best way to avoid smurfs or anything that could just help them out with this problem at the early levels.

Also how does Riot expect new people to get to ranked when it takes 10 wins before you can queue. I understand that its to prepare you for the game but I don't know if they took the outrageous amount of smurf accounts into consideration before doing that.



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