Posted by Steve
Tuesday, November 30, 2021 11:33 PM
ok so i know iron and bronze, basically all of low elo, is looked down upon because of the hair-pulling plays that we see in these games. im i3, gonna derank my next game, because of this instance.
i usually play unrated because i know im not good by any means and i just want to have fun, maybe improve along the way.
i played an unrated, lost 12-13, and had some questionable teammates (one dced, another just spamming in all chat that our team was bad), but fair enough, i tried my best. i went 13/17/? and my logic is that if i get double digits ive done better than i usually do. i thought i would try play a comp game, for fun and obviously for some rr.
i get in my comp, and unfortunately play split ( i dislike this map very much, but irrelevant) and then it shows that my phoenix was previously gold on his player card and the raze was plat. keep in mind this is literally iron and bronze, and so i thought maybe this was some blessing in disguise and i would get carried. i was wrong, first round we were attacking and they stayed near spawn the whole round and so i obviously thought they were gonna troll and immediately went downhill from there.
i kindly tell them to try playing because it was my derank and wanted to save myself. i tell them if they wanted to smurf, why couldnt they do it in unrated or their own elo because it ruins the fun for people in lower elos who just want to get a cool rank and have some fun. phoenix responds to me with smartass responses, like he already trolls in their elo and thats why they are in low elo lobbies. his accomplice just laughs at his responses to me which makes me more disappointed. eventually, phoenix comes up with the offer, “reyna(me), if u let me kill u with my util, ill play” i didnt trust him at first but i let them kill me one round and they did end up trying and so i could sacrifice my performance so that the other two teammates could have a chance but i genuinely just want to play the game and so i felt selfish in this instance.
eventually, one of the other players(skye), ends up saying in chat to. me to just let him kill me. it made me upset because instead of defending me, they egg them on. i told myself that i also cant feel this way because i am also selfish for not letting the other players have a chance at winning.
i gave up and /ff becauee i didnt want to be in this game any longer than i had too and everyone else surrendered anyway.
i just wanted to rant and get other peoples perspective on why people do this and ‘bully’ the lower elos in this way.
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