So I finally hit immortal 3 while playing on a laptop and WIFI for over two years. I also did it whilst mainly solo queueing smokes.

Posted by Steve

Monday, December 12, 2022 1:43 PM

As the title says I hit immortal after two years of playing the game and starting out in iron 3. I did this on EU servers and reached account level 379 as of the rank up. It was a long and time consuming grind, and the setup didn't make it any easier, but I finally got there in the end.

You can see my stats over on tracker, my tag is Zirel#0001. Its not too pretty except the win rate and the fact that about 90% of my games are solo on controllers.

I made this post because one, I'm proud of my achievement despite my disadvantage and it being my first PC fps game. And two, because I want to show that you can still reach high ranks without the perfect setup.

I'd be happy to answer any questions by my fellow laptop players, or just any general questions about my journey, ranking up or the agents I play.

I'm going to try to hit radiant next year :)



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