So... I guessed who the voice actress for Neon right!

Posted by Steve

Thursday, January 6, 2022 11:48 PM

So... I guessed who the voice actress for Neon right!

Original post ->

I posted that 23 days ago with only a 16 second teaser and a tweet I just happen to see on my timeline as my clues!

Here's the VA confirming she's the one behind Neon! It's so cool seeing her getting a big role! I only know her because she does Tagalog voice over dubs in the Philippines.

a lots has happened since those 23 days I posted that, not very...good things. I know its not really a big deal, but I'm really proud of myself for guessing her right while others were assuming it was a Filipino celebrity va. Also really proud of having a (major) Filipino character that has actual Filipino traits and personality in this game :)



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