So you're telling me I need at least 5 of these kinds of wins in a row to go up 1 rank?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, August 3, 2021 2:41 AM

This act, I decided to try an experiment to see how long it actually takes to rank up. For background, I am a multi-act mid to high immortal player on my main, and have several friends who are close to my skill level and hard stuck in low diamond/high plat. I wanted to see what the fuss was about.

I'm about 100 games in at a 70% win rate, and am still around D1 on this account just dumpstering my games. How is this fair or even fun for anyone I'm playing with?

I'm getting between 21-25 RR consistently even with 4-6 point performance bonuses. Just look at the 3 games I played today (I have won 14 out of my last 18 games). Look at the rank spread. There are people in these games who can't even queue together...

Matchmaking seems like a massive sham and I frankly think Riot has no idea what they are doing when implementing rank systems. They need a proper ELO based ranking system that should determine if you ELO > RR and you're a winning player, to rank you up very quickly. It seems like they have some application of that, but it's not well implemented.

Game Summary:


+25 RR with multiple D3 enemies/teammates and an immortal. Gold stars on performance against 3/5 opponents, and white stars on 2/5.

Same story again.



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