Posted by Steve
Monday, August 9, 2021 9:52 AM
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Thank you to Valorant/Riot for giving me a reason to wake up everyday
I doubt I'm alone when I say 2020 has bee a terrible year. Not only with quaratine and general anxiety about the politics of the world, it has been a terrible year for me personally. My grandfather got covid and my dad is in an out of the h...
Posted by Otto
Wednesday, December 2, 2020 8:12 PM
Ally information is screwing my aim
So whenever i play ever since i started, i keep seeing this box over all of my teammates heads and it blocks my sight whenever im trying to get kills, it is downright annoying and i was wondering if there was a way to get rid of it?
Posted by Otto
Monday, May 10, 2021 7:00 PM
Why am I going against players above my skill range?
I’m a plat 1/2 player, but I’m going against high plat to high diamond players. I have a friend who’s plat 3, almost diamond 1, but all of his games are full of gold 2-3 players with the exception of a few low plat players.
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Posted by Otto
Friday, June 3, 2022 9:52 AM