Posted by Steve
Friday, September 30, 2022 10:21 AM
Hello all!
I'm gonna hop on the Cypher buffs bandwagon since I feel like I can bring a bit more than just "Make cage longer" or "give cam gun back".
First of all, what is Cypher's main role, not as in him being a sentinel, but what niche does he try to satisfy? I think that he is a site blocking hyper info gathering agent which relies on smart trap placement to acheive pressure and blockage through hyper-intel gathering. He can also be a lurker since he can setup and move as soon as he wants, and I'd like to accetuate that facet of his playstyle through my proposed buffs to make him a more mobile option to the sentinel category (not instant movement like chamber, but accentuated Tempo through smart positioning).
C - Tripwire
His Q right now is flawed because it's easy to place and therefore too easy to see, instead of simply putting a line horizontally or vertically I would like to allow the player to place the points of the trap individually to allow for more facets of play within his kit, and not have this ability be so cut and dry, also make the windup faster to mirror the fast style of play and tempo we've been getting used to with these very fast metas for the past few months. I think that his tripwire should also lose the blue line in the middle and instead give it a matte transparency, similar to reyna's non-ult dissmiss keeping the faint glow to make it recognizable.
appart from these slight changes, the ability itself isn't bad, just overshadowed by other abilites that give more info while having a better chance to hit their targets and are overall easier to place since they're not as bright or just visible as Cypher's tripwire.
Q - Cybercage
Instead of a sound Cue and change of design when a enemy passes through, the core utilisation of the ability needs to be re-worked in my opinion. Instead of it being an anchoring type ability, when activated the ability would look the same as a normal cyber cage, but if an enemy walks in a notification is put on your hub, there would be ticks every 2 seconds of where the enemies are in the cage, and all the sounds in the cage coming from enemies would be emplified. This can give tips for tempo to the Cyphers that decide to roam and lurk and it can still be used as an anchoring ability making him fill 2 niches that are only seen in supportive roles and not something like Kay/o and Skye which fill a fragger supportive niche.
E - Camera
Cypher's Camera is honstly the most ballanced ability in his kit, it is a high risk - high reward ability which can fail overall, or be very useful intel, honestly I would change anything appart from maybe making the CD shorter, if you were to change anything else you'd have to completely rework the ability and it's fine in it's current state!
X - Neural theft
This is probably one of the weakest ults in the game if not the weakest one, the intel given is minimal, but it does link with his roaming playstyle, here are my proposed changed, make the windup faster to give him extra Tempo maybe 0.75-1 second, make it like a dart or (for my R6 peeps out there) make it like a dokkaebi call, when Cypher activates his ult make it hack you and you are constantly pinged until you "de-hack" yourself, this would make his ult very very very powerful and a very powerful intel gathering tool, also make his hat come back, he looks like an acorn without it :/.
however to counteract that, make his ult require 8 ult points since it's very powerful now, make the cast range 20m.
And finially for QOL make his pings less "pissy" when you're in a fight and ping an enemy it can actually be incredibly distracting in the middle of a fire fight, and the color is closer to "I ate asparagus and it's the colour of my piss" to "I pinged an enemy holding a gun".
Those are my ideas, remember they are only my ideas and are probably deeply flawed x) I'd love to see your ideas though! And thank you very much for reading up to here, I like you <3.
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