Some info about Season Dates and their length.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, June 10, 2020 4:10 PM

Some info about Season Dates and their length.

I found ticks in the files, and converted them to Z time:

637265916000000000 = June 1st, 12:00am PST

Recently found some files relating to season dates (acts) and when they will release!!! Inside files I found some game data string that were encrypted in ticks, so I extracted them and converted them and they revealed actual dates!!! This is a huge find!!!!

Episode 1 Season Run Dates:

Act 1: June 1st - August 4th

Act 2: August 4th - October 13th

Act 3: October 13th - January 12th (2021)

All new Acts's (seasons) release at midnight (region locked updates) on the day of the season start in this time clock. These dates are what is currently in the files, and I have no doubt that they might change. But it looks like the season is going to end August 4th!

January 12 is when Act 3 ends, so I'm guessing we could see Episode 2 come then? If so the planned date for episode 2 to come out is January 12, 2021!

Interesting to see what an episode update would be. New Act's should already bring at least one new character, and possibly a map here and there, but an episode update must be huge!!!

What do you guys think of this schedule and the way Riot is deciding to release content?

EDIT: Proof showing my method:

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