Some people shouldn’t play this game

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, August 2, 2022 3:38 AM

This isn’t a post that’s gonna be like “oh if ur this rank quit the game”

Making this post for the sick a-holes who find it funny to hop in a game to harass people

Recently played on a friends account(ik tos) but it was just unrated and she wanted me to grind out fades contract for her while she was out of the country away from her computer, her name on valorant tbh is questionable it’s something along the name of “something something mommy” and the stuff I’ve heard even when just playing for fun and talking in text chat was horrendous

It didn’t stop until I used my mic and they found out I wasn’t a women

For the parents of kids who play val please give some love and care for ur kids because clearly the kids i played with their parents didn’t, if they find it acceptable to ask random women if they can do “stuff” to them on the internet



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