Some soloqers who say they belong in higher ranks really do

Posted by Steve

Sunday, December 20, 2020 6:45 PM

I get where they are coming from, its so frustrating and they just wanna let the anger out. I made a post maybe 3 days ago about how i was silver 1 and demoted from plat because of my team and just got replies of people saying "Ooo you belong in the rank you are at, why is a silver 1 aiming for diamond etc" "if you are so good you can rank up" "im sure you will hit radiant tomorrow"

Well I promoted to gold 3 in 3 days and am playing against diamonds with my plat 3 friend! Hopefully i get plat tomorrow. I was match mvping all my matches but without having good teammates who could even sometimes hit their shots, were nice and friendly and ahd comms i would never have promoted.

Its a 5v5 not a 1v5 so for all yall lacking in a certain area just saying "If you are so good just go and promote its not that hard for a pro etc" you are very wrong. A team of iron 1s who have good coordination can beat a pro 100% or maybe even beat him/her with a lucky shot or by some good tactic like camping in an unexpected spot.

You don't need to instantly comment on every post "why can't you just climb, maybe u are at that skill level and just have too big of an ego"etc

Instead maybe be positive, give them some tips (because i'm sure all of you commenting negatively are a higher rank and pro) or offer to play if you are at the same rank and feel like you are stuck! Encourage them and give them confidence to play and get better and promote, confidence plays a key role in performance and you bringing them down doesn't help anything. EVEN IF its the bottom fraggers worst players saying this and think they are in radiant, give them encouragement so they get better and then finally belong in radiant!!

The last game the match mvp had 3 more kills than me and it was a great match with everyone being close in kills but yeah u get the point, and im not lying and saying i ALWAYS get match mvp but its most of the time



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