Somedays my aims like Shahzam other days I can't hit my shots, please help!

Posted by Steve

Friday, June 25, 2021 1:00 PM

I don't know what I'm doing wrong or if this is placebo, I have 400+ hours on this game was bronze 3 in my first 2 months of valo in the previous act, I'm a jett main and usually drop 30 bombs every 2nd match, it's been a week since I changed my sensitivity by .1 and my crosshair from dot to a custom one inspired by Shahzam as the dot wasn't helping in close quarter combat, and uptill yesterday I was able to frag really well, I do aimlabs daily for 15-30 minutes my accuracy and stats were better on my newer sense and practiced using my new crosshair, but I didn't practice well in the range as my friends were ready to play an unrated with me so I just popped 30 bots in the range and got on with them, I think I messed up my muscle memory of shooting because I wasn't able to land my shots, my crosshair placement was top notch, but I was either running up on them or getting caught off guard or shift walking while shooting and hence couldn't impact the game much, third fragged, not my best, (could be placebo) but I thought it was because of the crosshair and went back to dot as I never faced such issues on that crosshair, so please help me, what am I doing wrong? Is it my sensitivity that's the problem or what? Would love your opinion and some tips and tricks to do better, thank you guys.<3



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