Somedays Valorant just seems to not work for me.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, December 21, 2021 4:07 AM

I don't really understand why this is happening, if it's on my side or due to the servers but somedays I will play multiple ranked/dm matches and get outplayed by everyone on the enemy team. These days, I will play games where I will nonstop get headshot by the entire enemy team without even being able to process they're on my screen until I'm dead. Yet when I spectate my allies, the same people wallbanging me a split second after I peak something will whiff 20 shots on anyone else on my team.

I've looked at my game to render latency and I've tracked my FPS as I'm actively in a gun battle on these days and while not perfect, they're nothing out of the ordinary of other days. It seems that no matter what angle I hold, no matter if I prefire first, the enemy just sees me first. Before I even process them. If it matters I play NA East, if anyone notices the same issue.



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