Posted by Steve
Sunday, April 25, 2021 4:07 AM
Hi, I'd like to use this space to warn people about something I just discovered.
Yesterday, while I was playing, I realized that my Valorant Rank was Silver 1, except that I played only 1 competitive match and I understood the hard way that it was too early for me to play in that mode. I thought that maybe there was some problem with the server and it mistook my unrated games for competitive ones and my rank went up. I didn't make a big deal out of it because I wasn't going to play competitive anytime soon anyway.
Today, I received an email from Riot Games, written in Turkish, with the bill of my €99,99 purchase of Valorant Points that I never did.
I checked my payment purchase history on Valorant website and I saw that on April 24th 2021 "I" bought 10500 Valorant Points by spending €99,99 in the store through my PayPal account. Luckily, I didn't have €99,99 on my card, so the payment didn't go through (I received, at the same time, an email by my bank saying that the payment failed).
I immediately reported the payment to Paypal and I'm waiting for an answer. I disabled the automatic payment option for Riot Games, too. I also sent a report to Riot Games about the unidentified purchase.
After changing both my Valorant password and my Paypal password, I opened the game. I immediately saw that I have 1880 Valorant Points when, last time I checked, I only had 450 points left from my actual purchase (I bought the Battlepass).
I remembered the Silver 1 rank and I saw that it said I won 8 competitive games and I needed just one more to get my ranking. I brought up the list of competitive games and there are A LOT of games. The oldest competitive match in the list was done on March 29th and I can see 15 matches (2 on March 29th, 6 on March 31st, 1 on April 3rd, 2 on April 4th, 3 on April 16th and 1 on April 17th). This must have begun before March 29th because it says I won 8 competitive matches but I can see only 7 wins in the list.
I checked again the purchase history on Valorant website and I realized that my account received the 10500 Valorant Points anyway, even if I didn't have enough money on my card and the payment failed, I don't know how. I also realized that this person spent 9070 (2175+4270+875+875+875) Valorant points to buy something.
I opened the game again and I went to my collection. They bought: Prism II Shorty, Blastx Spectre, Infantry Guardian, Rush Phantom and the whole Silvanus collection (Sheriff, Stinger, Phantom, Vandal and Operator). All of this is the current store offers in the game. Also, by playing the game, they unlocked the Prism III Judge and Prism III Odin from the Battlepass.
I honestly have no words to describe how stupid I feel for this to have happened and for not seeing it earlier. Obviously, today I didn't play Valorant at all so I couldn't see the new skins. This person bought the Valorant Points at 16:08, bought the skins at 16:09 (Italian time, which almost 3 hours ago, when I received the emails), equipped them but they didn't play any match.
One last interesting thing: On April 2nd, I logged in the game to play a little bit and I got a message saying I was banned from voice and text chat for 3 days because of my offensive behavior during a match. Three days earlier, I played a Spike-Rush and one random player on my team kept insulting us, saying we were dogs**t and things alike throughout the whole game. I thought that we were banned because this player raged so much for losing that Spike-Rush that they reported us all and got us banned (we were all random people, so I didn't know if the other 3 players were banned as well). Now, by seeing that this person played 6 competitive matches on March 31st, I guess I now know why I got banned... Also, they played again on April 3rd, the day when the ban ended.
Anyway, I'm waiting for PayPal to answer my help request, hoping they can stop the payment completely, giving me the freedom to use put money on my card again. I'll be waiting for Riot Games to answer, but I honestly don't have such high hopes...
I just wanted to share my story.
Thank you.
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