Posted by Steve
Monday, December 12, 2022 11:33 AM
For about a week now, 75% or more of my games are blowouts (high diamond 3 elo). I’m either getting dunked on like I’m playing against TenZ, or the enemy team hasn’t formed object permanence yet. No in between.
This is much different than ~2 months ago when it seemed like every game was a nail-biter, really fun, and I could value my rank as a symbol of things I need to improve on and a reward for my grind.
Now comp feels like a trash dump of unpredictable variables that all lead to the same, disengaging and played-out matchups, repeating over and over. So many people seem to be just be tilt queueing. I’m getting really bored of the game and if Riot wants my hard earned money, they need to earn it by recalibrating these crucial game mechanisms.
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