Posted by Steve
Wednesday, September 29, 2021 3:24 PM
Having a female voice just pisses me off by now. There are a lot of people in the Valorant community that just don't care and I absolutely love you for that but then there is the opposite.
I just don't talk in vc because the minute I open my mouth it's either "Aww a girl" like aunt Margaret just got the gender reveal card and already thinks that this one wont be a money maker or I get asked thousands of invasive questions and lastly I will just be treated like a woman.
I got all sorts of questions that are just nobody's business. Mostly it starts where I am from, how old I am and lastly if I want to meet up with them. Listen this is valorant and not tinder. I am here to play the game and not to find a man that I don't need or want.
Most times if I confront someone I am an arrogant bitch because they weren't interested in me and just wanted to be polite. If so why didn't you ask CucumberInMaButt if he want to meet up. Why didn't you asked him for his age, where he lives and what his IG is?
I don't really believe you if you tell me that you have no interest in me because if you wouldn't then this conversation would have never taken place. The rest of the team didn't cared at all so why did you if it's none of your concern?
I also hate if people hit me with the "Oh you are a girl so I guess I have to carry". Yea thanks for that now I feel pressured to tryhard and not have fun just to prove a point. I play for fun and not to be good and don't want to be pulled into your toxicity.
Why do women need to be treated different? I just want to have fun in a game. Stop being overly nice, stop asking invasive questions, stop questioning women's skill, stop harassing others and please start listening to women's calls if they say something. Just act normal. And no I am not talking about the "Toothless-meme-normal".
I am annoyed that I am only able to talk if I have male friends with me or if somebody else on the team already said something that is telling the troubling person that they are in the wrong. Making calls in chat is just time consuming and can decide over victory and defeat which is also a reason why I don't play ranked.
I bet there are a lot of skilled ones out there who would do you dirty but just don't say a word if they are not comfortable or just don't want to be bothered with sexism bs. Being a woman doesn't change anything and it shouldn't mean that you have to change your voice to have the ideal fun and not worry about harassment.
I lastly just want to thank everyone that is calling out sexist, homophobic and transphobic behavior. You guys absolutely make my day and a big difference in the community.
Also please remember to be kind to others. You don't know who is at the other end of the screen and how their life is. Don't take out you own hatred on strangers on the internet. Take a walk, go to therapy or get it out in form of physical activity but stop harming others.
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