Sova feels kind of... weak

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, August 16, 2022 11:33 PM

I've been maining Sova for the entirety of my "career" since I started playing (E1A1) and immediately switched to him from Sage since I got my first 2 man scan and saw the possibility in 5 man scans and how it can turn rounds in my team's favor, and I wasn't wrong. Giving out info has always been fun for me and it was always a dopamine hit seeing the instalock Jett or Reyna on the killfeed with Sova's assist next to them, until the nerfs. He really doesn't feel that impactful anymore. I don't mind the shock dart nerfs but I feel like the drone could've been nerfed less, or at least in a different way.

So yeah I'm kinda lost, I've tried the other initiators but no one matched the amount of info he brought. Fade is a close second, but how are you getting info if they can easily shoot the black furball looking at them, plus the prowler feels too clunky compared to Sova's drone. I may just have become overly reliant on the util he has, I may just have to practice Fade more, or I could just wait for the Cypher buffs to have access to the same util Sova brought. Has anyone else had this problem? Would love some suggestions



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