Sova's recon dart reveals where omen Teleports

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, December 8, 2020 7:00 AM

Idk if anybody has discovered this before me or this is a mechanic or a bug. But recently when I was olaying A long in Haven I shot a arrow and it revealed all the enemies. The Omen then used his Ultimate to teleport to A Heaven while being revealed in his original position. But to my surprise I he was getting revealed in Heaven and I could therefore kill him. Now it maybe a mechanic since he is teleporting his body and since his body is partially on both the places revealing the original reveals the place where he's tping as well. But it is a very bad for Omen's ult. It's a ability which shouldn't be able to be detected so easily imo. I would like to know if this something new or has already been found out and is just a mechanic or do you think it's a bug. I made this post 'coz I was surprised by this. Hope it still helps somebody or puts light on a bug if it's one.



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