Posted by Steve
Saturday, October 8, 2022 4:07 AM
All the time, whenever somebody says they wish there was a shorter, more casual version of unrated, there's always somebodu who says "just play Spike Rush!"
Spike Rush is in no way similar to Unrated.
• There is no econ.
• You cannot choose which gun you want to use.
• Unrated does not have random buffs lying around the map.
•It is not a good representation of how to push a site, as everybody has spike and can just go wherever they want.
• People do not take Spike Rush seriously.
Please, we literally just wanted Unrated but first to 7 instead of first to 13. A good example is how Rainbow Six Siege has Unranked, which is first to 4, and Quick Play, which is first to 3. This is what we want :(
Edit so I can respond to some common comments: 1) I know Replication is a game mode. However, personally I've never enjoyed it, as it becomes a game of util spam and essentially whichever team has the better agent. If we had Replication just without duplicates, it would be perfect. 2) As I mentioned, R6 has this set up, and it works. Now, Val and R6 are different, but the fundamentals stay the same. I do still think people would choose Unrated. Hell, I still would. But sometimes, if I have work in 30 mins, it'd be nice to queue into a casual game that I know won't make me late to play, rather than gambling on an Unrated game that could be 45 mins long. 3) Finally, just because this is a gamemode that YOU do not want does NOT mean that you speak for everyone else. I have seen countless posts from people about wanting a more casual gamemode. This post was not designed to be an outcry for this, but rather a response to those who say that Spike Rush is comparable. It's sad to see so many comments disregarding everything I and others have been saying in a rude way. Let's be nice, and have an open discussion without closing off other ideas :)
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