Split too defender heavy?

Posted by Steve

Monday, January 30, 2023 3:24 PM

So I have played a couple of games in split as of now and it seems to be in my opinion way too defender heavy. Note that I hadn’t played this map before or maybe once in like Ep4:Act3 when I started to play this game but thats it. I have no prior experience on this map. All the matches that I have played ended up us losing the majority of rounds on attack and then when we get on defend we end up winning the game. 2 Examples: 1 game it ended up being 1-11 for the enemy we came back and won 14-12 at the end, 2nd example 2-10, ends up winning 13-10. Other games were simmilar 3-9 and stuff like that. Anyone got the same experience? I usually play jett and am very good at entering site, but on Split it just seems impossible. Eg. I dash into B site from B main. I get destroyed from 10 diffrent angles, same goes for A site, too many angles I cant check at the same time (heaven/site/screen/the cubby in rafter/ the cubby beetwen the site and screens) it just seems impossible to take control of site. I don’t know if its worth mentioning it but this is in Diamond/Ascendant elo (some ex immos too). Does anyone else got the same experience as me or am I just getting unlucky with team comps?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/10o44yz/split_too_defender_heavy/
  • https://reddit.com/10o44yz

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