Standalone Practice Range and why we need it

Posted by Steve

Monday, March 29, 2021 6:31 AM

At the current iteration of the practice range, there is absolutely no reason that we should need it to be online only. What I am asking for is a standalone version of the practice range that is literally another program that is optional for us to download.

Here's why this is a good thing for Riot to implement. First, the current version of the practice range requires server capacity and that is the main reason they don't want us to be able to queue for a game and be in the practice range at the same time. If we have a standalone version of the practice range, there will be no need for Riot to host those practice range servers. Not to mention the current iteration makes it so the practice ranges that we currently have are at times laggy and stutter a lot. Have you ever tried counter-strafe practicing in the range and the game would literally freeze up for a second every now and then? Yeah, that's server lag.

Second, as far as I know, you can only be in the practice range by yourself right now, so why is it that if we are all alone anyway, we need to take up precious server space? Just let us do it offline on our own dime. This will take off any lag because there's no input lag going to the server and the information of the bots being shot coming back to us being slowed down. We'd be in an ideal environment to practice how we can shoot. Hell, if you really want to replicate server lag, let us have an option with it to input a number for our own ping to replicate the lag.

Third, I don't know how Riot has implemented the framework of the practice range and whether it is possible to splice just the practice range off of the overall coding framework of Valorant in its current iteration, so I can't really comment on how much work it'd take to make it standalone. But I would imagine it isn't too difficult to remake it. Remaking something takes exponentially less time to make than creating something brand new for all those that aren't too into Game Development.

TLDR: Many people want to be able to do the practice range while we are in a queue and having a standalone practice range solves the issue without much work on Riot's end.



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