Starting to lose interest playing with my friends who are a lil’ sensitive?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, November 10, 2022 9:38 PM

I have a group of friends I play with quite regularly. We’re not very good, we’re bronze-gold, so we don’t get upset when we lose as long as we have fun. However, I tend to get annoyed when they just stay behind and not use any util or not peek with me and the duelist. I main Sage, and I’m always second to enter site after the duelist, I’m planting while I see the rest of them still at the entrance or 3 people watching flank despite having a trip. If the duelist dies before we enter, I’m still the first to entry which is bad because I have spike. And since I main Sage, (they’re used to me being the planter) no matter what agent I play, I’m always the planter. They absolutely HATE planting. Sometimes I just get thrown the spike. I don’t mind being the planter at all but at least you know.. take space, cover me or use some util to delay them pushing?

Like I said it doesn’t upset me if we lose or if we have bad KDA, it just annoys me a little when they do stuff like run away the moment they see ONE util from the enemy and give the site for free. It’s even worse when I’m fighting for my life defending site and when I die I saw my teammate that WAS with me on site running back to spawn.

They’re sensitive people and have cried from being scolded by their other friends for not using util. No it’s not a bad thing to be sensitive, (I am too) I just don’t know how to tell them about it without getting them upset? I don’t want to end up hating playing with them, and I also don’t want to be a bad friend. What should I do?



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