Posted by Steve
Friday, February 4, 2022 9:38 AM
Day in and day out I see/hear pro players harp about how Astra has made pro play so boring with how teams spend 40+ seconds just baiting out just her util specifically, or how rounds can be fully drawn out and still have 10 people alive because of her alone and I get it.
Omen used to be my favorite controller until the last 2-3 acts, and even though I basically main Astra now, omen still has my highest play time of all agents with around 200+ ish hours (and IMO he's still the most fun to play, even if playing him on most maps is lowkey grief). At first I felt like Astra's global presence is what made her cool, and I respected the “high” skill ceiling she had to make her actually effective, but even I can agree that global/instant util placement on top of the ability to recall stars is a TOO busted. (the recall ability also gives her options to take/get out of fights similar to the viper swoop peek, for those who don't know, and at least for me I take the extra second or two to see if her smoke is fake or not before making any plays.) Although I do think playing Astra can be overwhelming for some games (or straight up boring when it feels like you’re playing util simulator for 40 minutes), but she's also free elo if you have the tiniest bit of game sense, I would know having a 75% win rate on her last act.
Omen is a pseudo controller/duelist but his smokes are non threatening and take a year and 3 business days to hit a site, Viper is a pseudo controller/sentinel (Viper is OP as well imo just slightly less OP than Astra because of how committed her util is), and as much as I really don't like his playstyle Brimmy w. the stimmy is probably the truest sense of a controller. Astra on the other hand has no real draw back to using utility and her only real counter is a Kayo. I get that with the roster expanding of course there will be agents that are OP or meta breaking but what do you guys think would be a healthy nerf (or buffs to other controllers) that would still make her "different" but even the playing field. (I used to think her skill ceiling was a bit of a fake nerf because I've played with a handful of astras that refused to smoke a site unless they were on it as if she couldn't smoke split b garage from a main fracture, or just afk meditating with no cover, etc)
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