State of agents: Neon

Posted by Steve

Saturday, April 9, 2022 1:57 AM

Neon just kinda exists in the game. She went from an overhyped "OmG sLiDe So BrOkEn" to an agent that has largely been forgotten about. She reminds me a lot of pre-patch 3.0 skye where on paper she has a really good kit but something is either missing or something is holding her back. Whenever I play against a neon she always feels like a non-issue because most sentinels hard counter her when most duelists are counters to sentinels. She can get onto site fairly easily but defending a site and getting out is her weak point. Her ult doesn't get too much better as you improve unlike jett knives, most duelist players hate lineups so her stun is not being used to full potential, and most neon players waste slide peaking an angle finding nothing and being left without her main ability. She doesn't have a niche playstyle like yoru that gives him a dedicated player base and the playstyle she does do is done by agents people have already spent a long time using so no point in switching. She doesn't fulfill a jett role like people originally thought but she fulfills more of a raze role with her all in explosive pushes. She falls off a bit in higher elo and in lower elo no one can use her.



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