Posted by Steve
Tuesday, March 21, 2023 11:33 PM
As the title says, I was wondering if i should stick with low sens or medium.
I got my sens from oblivity’s sensitivity finder and got 0.186 800 dpi. In-game, headshots were beautiful n crisp but good god my “mobility” with my sens was so ass. Ive been using low sens for months but always stayed at low sens just because of my performance in game. For months ive been wanting/trying to get into a higher sens but its just not ‘clicking’ with me.
I cant even 180 flashes properly so most of the time i eat em n pre fire (been working, surprisingly) or just take cover behind a wall n peek.
It seems obvious to go higher but i love the accuracy it gives me.
Desperately need halp pls
Note: • Ive used most of the sensitivity finders/techniques and they always led me back to low sens
(EDIT: I have used the psa method recommended by one of the users below (forgot name during typing sorry so sorry ily ty) and got 0.41 @ 800.)
Ty ty ty
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