Stop begging for skins if the person you asked already said no.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, January 15, 2022 2:12 AM

Seriously I don’t understand some people. I get that the new protocol skins are nice and not everyone can afford to buy it but the people who bought the skins also want to use them.

If a teammate says no, accept it and play the damn game. Begging every round and purposely trolling to get your teammate killed just so you can pick up a skin is so damn stupid.

I don’t mind dropping occasionally if someone asks nicely, but I’m not gonna drop a gun every round. I bought it, I’d like to enjoy using it too. If you want skins so bad, get a job so you can pay your skins.

Sometimes I wish I could hide skins and be the only person who can see my skins because it’s so distracting trying to play the game when my teammates would rather beg me to drop them a skin instead of setup and prepare for the round.



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