Posted by Steve
Friday, March 24, 2023 1:00 AM
A plea to all my fellow low elo players. Please stop playing fill, and stop bullying people into playing an agent there not comfortable on, especially when you insta locked your fav agent. You know how cringe that is?….. it constantly happens so I’m gonna guess no.
I’m fairly new and Admittedly I spend way to much time playing and watching valorant vods, u don’t believe me ask my wife she can back me up 😂. I watch many coaches, high elo matches, and pros. And one thing they all agree on. Team comp means nothing in low elo. Some (a certain piece of fruit who won’t be named) even say team comp doesn’t matter until u hit high immortal.
Most of us are low elo cuz our mechanics, aim, or crosshair placement needs improvement, or we panic in ranked games in some cases all of the above. We have enough to focus on trying to improve. So putting someone on an agent there not comfortable with gives them another thing they are forced to think about. And don’t get me started with the low elo fill players, ur not good enough to swag and play fill.
Think about it, ur playing ranked, mmr is on the line, wouldn’t you rather people playing agents they have the most time on? Rather than forcing them to think when they need to use abilities, it should be second nature using abilities and on top of it you’ve probably already given them anxiety from pressuring them into playing some agent they didn’t sign up to play. Don’t mistake this for me saying team comp can’t help. Just saying people playing loose and focused on the proper things is more beneficial for everyone.
I love the discussion and the back and forth. However I’m gonna add this cuz I think a lot of people are missing the point (my fault) and getting hung up on the “stop filling” aspect of it. I threw that in there as an aside. What this post was really about is the people who instalock an agent and then bully people into playing what they think you should play not what the person wants to play. And in my opinion there is no world where that is ok. You instalocked ….. so what, that makes u team captain and u dictate what we all play? How bout go F yourself u play what u want and I’ll play what I want.
My issue isn’t really with the people choosing to play fill. People who fill are doing gods work and u should be commended, i only mentioned it because any coach or high elo player you watch will tell you not to fill and just one trick a role in low elo so you can focus on the other aspects of the game, once ur proficient in those things then you really dive into learning specific agents.
TLDR of my soap box speech, it makes more sense to have people play agents there comfortable on so all they need to do is focus on aiming and shooting. Your not stuck low elo cuz team comp. Clean up your own backyard before you start telling your neighbor to cut there lawn. Thank you and good luck in ur non forced team comp games.
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