Posted by Steve
Wednesday, December 2, 2020 7:43 PM
It is one of the most common mistakes that will making getting one taps and head shots in general harder.
Instead, panic STAND! Getting into the habit of holding A and D when you see an enemy and have the advantage to take the first shot or have the distance advantage with a Vandal or Guardian to go for the tap while they are trying to spray you down, will net you far more kills than trying to just stop moving I have found.
While the difference is very slight, you actually stop quicker when holding the opposite direction key of the way you are moving than just taking your fingers off the keys. Plus it still gives your left hand something to do when you panic and need to get try and kill a threat.
Make sure that when you do stand you are ready to shoot or correct your aim slightly. Stay moving should you be getting shot from another direction besides in front of you until you are ready to go for the kill. Doing this in addition to proper peaking and strafe shooting should make going for kills easier.
How I practice: The Range, bots on whatever level you are comfortable with and just hold A and D to start. Once the first bot is dealt with lift off either the A or D key and start moving, once the next bot appears you flick to their head then stand (A and D keys) and kill. Do this with every gun you want to practice with.
Happy Head Hunting 😊
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