Posted by Steve
Thursday, November 12, 2020 6:02 PM
Although confidence is a major factor that goes towards winning, you will never have a good time by playing egotistically. As a Jett/Omen main that regularly plays in a 3 stack, I see my support players get flamed over and over again. You need to keep in mind that VALORANT is a team-based game, not even a professional player can win against a team with decent teamwork. You are NOT losing because of your teammates, you are losing because of bad teamwork. A good duelist isn't someone that gets a pick, then dies, then proceeds to scream "WTF are you guys doing". A good duelist is someone who can succinctly communicate their play-style and have their support play accordingly to force a pick. If it fails, don't start flaming your teammates, start communicating how you could have played a certain scenario better. I've been playing with my "re-fragger" for years, and I will trust him to hold an angle for me while I peek something else, he could fail 5 times in a row but I would still trust him, because I know that it only needs to work once in order to open a site and gain momentum, and screaming at him isn't going to make him play any better. The trust you place in your teammates shouldn't be broken even if you lose 0-13, because you lose and win as a team for the duration of the match. Sure you may have got match MVP or the highest KD but that means nothing if you lose, every single kill that happens does not belong to you, it belongs to the team. If you are getting match MVP every single game but losing every single game, the correlation isn't that "everyone else sucks", its that you failed to effectively co-operate with your teammates because if you can only win with a team where everyone is perfect then it shows you have no adaptability as an individual player, and you aren't "basically Immortal but stuck in Gold", because that shiny badge on your profile isn't a measure of how good you are at moving a mouse to a head, it's a measure of how well you can play in a TEAM game.
I just got sick of people flaming and spreading toxicity, and wanted to write a post to address this. I hope if anything, this post convinces just one person to play differently the next time they enter a match.
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