Stop Watching Pro Guides

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, June 21, 2022 6:17 PM

Skillcapped, Gameleap, proguides they all follow the same routine. They pull you in with a flashy thumbnail clickbait title such as 'CHAMBER IS RUINING RANKED RIOT DEVS F*CKED UP BIG TIME' before selling you these really niche ideas that are hardly relevant in your ranked games. They all waffle out these niche ideas to the 8-15 minute mark too.

Instead of learning from people that want you to subscribe to their 'guaranteed rank improvement plan' why not learn from people who breakdown pro play on another level, give in depth guides on mechanics in the game based off players known for that mechanic! Why not learn from people that genuinely appreciate this game and want to help others learn and improve?

For this, I recommend watching the following channels:

Valorant Ascended

Valorant Alchemy

Thinking Man's Valorant

& for some fun, useful check out

Mr Lowlander

Valorant ascended is my personal favourite for quick, informative videos that never fail to teach me something to take into my next ranked game.

Valorant Alchemny & thinking man's valorant help me to stay ontop of the meta and understand how pros find success where I cannot.

Edit: Thank you for all the awards! Also check out the comment section everyone for even more useful YouTubers, alot of people are giving their input I've got a few I'll be subscribing to later!



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