Streamers smurfing and being toxic

Posted by Steve

Friday, April 9, 2021 3:24 AM

Hey so, I was just watching a few videos of this guy who did an iron to radiant solo-q only series and I couldn't help but feel like that's a little trashy. The guy's immortal, idk what ygs think but imho he shouldn't be playing in iron/bronze/silver etc. Like no matter the excuse, it's still smurfing, right? Even if it's for YT vids - he's still ruining the experience for everyone he plays with in low elos.

Smurfing aside, after watching some of his streams, I've come to realize he's actually kinda toxic too. Like if things are going well, he's chill, but the moment something goes wrong, like let's say someone on his team isn't doing too well, he starts bossing them and then makes comments like 'you're boosted', 'don't buy accounts omg' or 'I can't believe some people are radiants'. It's mildly irritating at this point considering everyone has bad games - even he does too. Typing nt in chat never killed anyone, and perhaps, sometimes, it's all the encouragement ur teammate needs 2 do better.

The other day he got mad at the Viper on his team cuz he wasn't doing so well and told everyone in all chat to report him. The next game, he didn't do so well and the Reyna on his team did the same to him and he went sumn along the lines of 'I'm just trying to play man idk why Reyna's being so toxic'. He basically indirectly said what he did was toxic considering he did the exact same thing to Viper.

It bothers me how no one cares to point out his attitude which leads me to wonder, does having 100 viewers all you need for smurfing and being toxic to become okay for you? Why do people refuse to acknowledge this behavior from streamers and act like everything's just fine?



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