Posted by Steve
Tuesday, April 4, 2023 4:07 PM
(Saboteur is a hacker and associated with fade. Joined the protocol because fade did. Assisted fade with gathering info on the protocol in the first place.)
Catchphrase: "trust no one. Not even yourself."
Role: duelist
Ability 1: phase passage
Saboteur targets a wall (like breach but the limit is 12 meters thick instead of 10) and then leaps at it. After 1 second, he will reappear at the other side of the wall. 2 charges. 0.6 second minimum gun re equip time. 150 creds each
Ability 2: Sabotage
Saboteur pulls out his phone. Then, he can select an area of the map (A site, B main, etc) and it will inflict the paranoia spike rush orb effect on anyone in that area after 2 seconds. Will notify all players what area is affected. Also scans how many were there like kayo knife but doesn't say who, just "3 enemies hacked" "5 enemies hacked" etc. 400 creds.
Signature ability: Infiltrator
Saboteur perfectly disguises himself as a random living enemy agent. He will appear in ally colors to the enemy. If Saboteur kills the player he disguised as, the kill message will not appear and it will not trigger "last player standing" message. The giveaways are 1, comms 2, different gun skins or a different gun entirely, and 3, can't hear enemy comms.
Ultimate: disruption
Saboteur opens a menu on his phone with all the enemy agents listed. Alongside all the effects listed next, the enemies VC will be warbly, text chat will be pure ##'s, they cannot see their allies through walls, the map is obscured, and pings stop working. After selection, the enemy is slowed by 70% and can not fire or use utility, and a bug shield will form around them. This shield has 500 hp. If broken, the ult is canceled. After 5 seconds, if the shield lives, Saboteur will take control of the enemy player's agent to do whatever they please. (Steal their gun, run them into your team with a knife, force them to stare at a player's ass, throw their gun into the void on fracture, actually use it how your supposed to and make them kill their teammates, make them run into the spike explosion/next to the spike as its about to go boom, anything.) while in control, they take and deal damage like if they were on Saboteur's team. To stop this control, the enemy team must shoot and kill their ally, but they are revived after at the same health they were before Saboteur used the ultimate. During all this, Saboteur is immobile, like Astra placing stars. 30 second duration, 8 points. Can be canceled by holding the ult button or by taking damage. If the ult is canceled by taking damage, the controlled player gets their health and shields halved. (Round up, so if they are 1 hp they die and light shields become 12 shields instead of 12.5.)
Saboteur is a duelist who focuses on distraction and annoying the ever living fuck out of people by making them have to focus more on off angles and who's who. Add a yoru, and the enemy will have no idea who's where and who's who. Saboteur's weaknesses are that he's vulnerable when coming out of a wall and during the ultimate. His strengths are when the enemy doesn't know where he is, and fast rotations are also possible when using phase passage to skip long winding paths like on pearl, although rotations are quite fast nonetheless. Additionally, Saboteur has no smokes or blinds, meaning he mostly depends on aim, game sense, and tricks. His sabotage ability has friendly fire, so it's best used for site takes. Since sabotage uses fake audio cues, Saboteur can use phase passage fairly safely with little to no discipline. His ultimate is useful for gathering information and securing a kill or two.
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