Subreddit discussion posts fixate too much on personal experience instead of game discussion

Posted by Steve

Monday, August 8, 2022 12:16 PM

Something I've noticed is that the majority of upvoted discussion posts are very "experience" driven. Some examples of popular sample post titles of what I mean:

  • I see many smurfs/cheaters, does anyone else?

  • How do I deal with toxicity/harassment/sexism?

  • I am having trouble with my duo, partner, sibling, etc.

  • If you are [agent/role/type of player], don't do X in my games.

I feel like these types of posts are rarely really about VALORANT and are mostly people looking for life advice or trying to get something off their chest about their games.

I'm surprised that the VALORANT subreddit has so few actual game discussion posts reach front page. Some examples of what I mean would be:

  • Why [agent] is balanced/unbalanced and a suggestion for change.

  • What parts of [map] do you think cause it to be too attack/defense sided?

  • Here is a new utility combo that works well on A/B site of [map].

  • Should [gun] cost X credits or does it need to be adjusted?

Would love to hear if others feel the same about discussion posts, or if you disagree.

^(And before anyone does it, you aren't original for commenting "well this post is your personal experience haha". I realize that, but that is how feedback works and there's no other way to have the conversation.)



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